Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ya want fries with that...

If you see two different sized cups, the larger marked "Large", what is the logical label for the smaller cup.? Common sense would seem to say "small " right? Not at Mcdonalds. I went through the drive thru yesterday to get a delicious iced coffee drink, I see a choice between "Large" and "MEDIUM". Huh, only two sizes, one is large, the other is.....medium? Why not "Medium" and "Small". Oh yeah, right, marketing(also known as lying, misdirection,concealment etc.) Not long ago at this same drive thru, I approached the order window and heard the following through the rasping speaker "Hello, would you like to try one of our new Angus Burgers today?" That in perfect English male voice. I politely declined and ordered a number seven with a coke. When I arrived at the pay window, I was face to face with a non-English speaking woman. I asked where her partner was that offered me the Angus Burger, she shrugged and the manager revealed it was a recording. I mean, what!. Why, what.!

Two Years Off?

I've been watching several members of congress for the last 16 months running around the country and some, the world, running for the office of President. My question is, why aren't they working in Congress or their respective districts.? Is being a member of Congress a full time job or what? I wonder what would happen to the average American who didn't show up for work like these candidates.