Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Everybody know what AWOL means? It stands for Absent Without Leave. Thats the case with these MIA Wisconsin Democratic Senators. I watch as the liberals compare the duly elected Governor to a dictator. Whatever your political views are, I believe we all agree under the social contract, that we live in a democratic society. Governed by established law. Its my opinion these missing Senators are in violation of their responsibilities to their constituents, and the good people of their state. They were elected to REPRESENT their constituents views, and by refusing to cast their vote in a properly convened legislative assembly, they stand negligent. If they oppose this bill their rightful duty is to vote NO. Key word here is vote. So those ignorant folks I see carrying the dictator signs should really look up what dictator really means.

1 comment:

Mark said...

As citizens it is our responsibility to vote for officials to represent us. These elected officials then have the responsibility to do just that, represent the people who voted for them.
By election time the candidate I prefer may not even be on the ballot, so I must choose from the eligible candidates the person who I believe will best represent me. If I choose not to vote then I have forfieted that right. If the elected delegates do not show up to cast they have forfieted that right. The process should not come to a halt because someone has failed to meet their obligation. That person should be removed from office and another be elected to replace him.