Friday, February 25, 2011

Courageous or Cowardly

Okay folks, are these MIA Wisconsin Democratic legislators nuts or what? Newsflash, the election took place last November. The peoples voice WAS heard! These guys are not representing their districts. Its their job to vote NO if thats their constituents wishes, not shut down the legislature because an issue arises that they don't like and don't have the votes in a democratic institution to defeat. These people are negligent, criminal and should be immediately recalled via petition by the citizens in those districts they refuse to properly represent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree! and this should not be a surprise to any one in Wisconsin, as Scott Walker ran on this motion during his campaign. The Dems that have bailed and left the State have also deserted their own political party and should be fired for causing this uprising. Their total lack of concern for their own citizens and party is disgusting and their behavior is deplorable and childish.