Sunday, March 6, 2011

Facts on Problems in Wisconsin

Got these from a recent Freedom Works post. I agree with these little known tid-bits. Also "Hey MIA Dems- Get back to work and quit rejecting democracy!

1. Wisconsin is facing a $3.6 billion budget deficit.
The Department of Administration predicts that Wisconsin will face a $3.6 billion deficit between 2011and 2013. Politicians have long been promising excessive salaries and benefits to public sector workers that taxpayers cannot sustain.  Governor Walker’s reasonable request to limit public sector collective bargaining will help curb government spending to save taxpayers’ money.

2. Wisconsin public school teachers get paid nearly double private sector workers.
The average Wisconsin public school teacher gets paid $100,000 annually in compensation, $50,000 in wages and $45,000 for very generous benefits packages. In Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin,the average private sector worker makes only $53,724 annually in compensation. It’s unsustainable that taxpayers have to foot the bill for bloated public sector workers’ pay.

3. Wisconsin public teachers pay little of their health care and pension costs.Out of every dollar that public school teachers receive in salary, taxpayers pay 74.2 cents for their retirement and health care costs. In the private sector, the corresponding rate is only 24.3 cents. Due to collective bargaining agreements, the school district pays the entire cost of public school teachers’pension plans. The school district also pays the entire premium for public school teachers’ medical and vision benefits and half of the cost of dental coverage. Family health care coverage for public school teachers costs a whopping $26,844 annually.

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